Rajasthan is one of the developing states in India and according to some recent news Rajasthan Government has taken the initiative to award 20,000 km of state highways. The Union Ministry of roads transport has become hostile to award to several kinds of projects through Public-Private Partnership. Last Friday Rajasthan’s Legislative Assembly has passed this Rajasthan State Highways Bill. According to this issue, the government team has decided to set up a state highways authority within the short period of time. The main motto is to that the team requires achieving 20,000km of road construction within next five years. Thus, it can be considered as one of the tough challenges ahead.

Several media houses have gone on record and asked to the localities regarding this issue. Most of the people have confronted that this new law will definitely empower the Rajasthan State Government. Reports suggest that the highways authority will prescribe the manner for determination of compensation and rules regarding land acquisition. The main part in these projects is that the roads will be financed by private investment associations. Apart from this, the budgetary grants will be taken from the State Government and Central Government as well. Last but not the least the highways authority will also collect funds from different sectors and it will be a great venture where both Government and Non-Government organizations will work together and that too for some really beneficial for the society.
Along with this project there is a new law which will be issued. The highway authority will also have the power to regulate traffic system. It will help to improve traffics on road and people can measure and improve safety. The highway authority’s aim is to gain a smooth flow on the roads and especially on the highways.
Finally, it has been reported that, the Central Government of India will focus on awarding roads projects through Engineering Procurement Construction. This practice will be followed for next few years. More initiatives will be taken until the market gets revived.