“Tiger Tiger burning bright. In the forest of the night.” is a verse by William Blake and these two lines express the power of tiger and the importance of this animal for eco-logical system. In India, we all are taking initiative to save tiger and here is great news for all tiger lovers. According to some reports, two tiger cubs have been seen in Sariska Tiger Reserve in Alwar, Rajasthan.

R.S Shekhawat, the field director and the conservator of forest said that these two tiger cubs were found in Saturday night via CCTV camera tricks. He added that these two tiger cubs look cute and they are in great health condition. The cubs are approximately three to four months old. Mr. Shekhawat was very excited to say that along with these two tiger cubs the total strength has touched 11 with nine adults. The special team is going to care for these two cubs and their health. Then entire team that works for Sariska Tiger Reserve is extremely happy and they love the growing strength of tigers day by day. They are expecting that the strength will continue increasing and they will soon welcome some more tigers in Sariska Tiger Reserve.
Not only in Rajasthan, the scenario and the initiative of protecting the tigers in the entire nation is commendable. It is more like united initiative that we have to save tigers. Around the year 2004-05 the forest department of Rajasthan government has faced criticism over the disappearance of tigers from Sariska Tiger Reserve Center. It was really shameful and now the team is working hard and they want to take the project to the next level of saving the tigers.
After facing aggravation from various quarters and different levels, finally the Rajasthan state government has decided to transfer tigers from Ranthambore National Park in the Sawai Madhopur district of the state to Sariska. Over all, seven tigers have been shifted till now and we hope that soon more tigers will be shifted to Sariska Tiger Reserve. Sariska has already got the status of National Park in 1979. Thus, the initiative to save the glory is been taken and the forest reserve team is working hard to get back their lost glory.
In Rajasthan Sariska is one of the biggest parks and it is of 866 sq km. Visitors should not miss the opportunity and explore several animals like leopards, jungle cats, hyenas, jackals, chitals, sambars, langurs, wild boars, four-horned deer and many bird species.
So, if you are thinking to visit Rajasthan, never miss Sariska Tiger Reserve.